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Our goal is to deliver "Useful" to our customers.
Our mission is to quickly find new products and services based on new technologies and propose and deliver them to our customers as reliable tools for solving their problems.
We started our business by handling products and services centered on wearable cameras, a remote support solution from Xacti which won the Digital Minister's Award at CEATEC 2023, and safety DX solutions.
We will work to expand the products and services we handle so that we can deliver new "Useful" to our customers from all over the world.
We appreciate your support.

Shinichi Nishida

Company profile

Company Name SOLABLE Trading Inc.
Location 14F JP tower 7-2, Marunouchi, 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 〒100-7014
Phone +81-3-4476-8020
FAX +81-3-3217-1810
Promoter SOLABLE Inc.
Establishment April 1, 2024
Capital 9,500,000 yen
Directors President Shinichi Nishida
Director Tomoyuki Katsuta
Director Takao Nishiyama
Director Takeshi Yamamoto
Business description Trade of commercial and household electronic devices, renewable energy related equipment, etc.


Group Company

Introduction of our group's solutions that will create communities that will brighten up "tomorrow"

Parent company

SOLABLE Trading Inc.

Through technological innovation, we are creating a group of companies dedicated to addressing various social and global challenges. From a global perspective, we are committed to building green communities that bring light and sustainability to local regions.

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Forest Solutions

Forest resources are indespensible to the future of our planet. In addition to conserving these resources and protecting the environment, we are involved in various aspects of the forestry industry, ranging from timber production and processing to pre-cutting and utilizing wood in construction. By rebuilding and integrating the supply chain in the forest resource sector, we aim to achieve sustainable growth in the forest industry. Our goals include ensuring a stable supply of timber, adding higher value to the products we produce, and expanding the use of wood in applications such as wooden construction.

  • SOLABLE Forest Inc.

    SOLABLE Forest owns approximately 4,000 hectares of forests, mainly in Tokushima Prefecture. In addition to timber production, they are actively engaged in initiatives such as wood biomass utilization and carbon offset through forest maintenance. By transforming undeveloped forests in Japan into valuable assets, SOLABLE Forest contributes to environmental conservation, disaster prevention, and climate change mitigation efforts.

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  • Sakazume Seizaisho

    Sakazume Seizaisho has established its production base in Agano City, Niigata Prefecture. Starting from the cultivation of forests, it handles all processes related to wood within the company, including logging, timber processing, drying, pre-cutting, woodworking, as well as the planning and construction of buildings. Since 2018, Sakazume Seizaisho has been recognized as a certified organization by the Governor of Niigata Prefecture. Through this certification, it works not only to protect the forests in Niigata Prefecture but also actively contributes to local communities by leveraging the mountains, trees, and buildings in the region.

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  • Kimura Sangyo Co., Ltd.

    Kimura Sangyo has its production base in Ichinohe, Iwate Prefecture. As a local wood processing company, it handles everything from sourcing logs and timber milling to the processing, drying, and sales of regional wood materials. Kimura Sangyo contributes to the creation of prosperous communities by utilizing every element of the logs it processes. Scraps generated during the logging process are supplied to local paper companies and biomass power plants, while sawdust is provided to local livestock farming companies. By ensuring the efficient utilization of each log, Kimura Sangyo strives to contribute to the development of thriving communities.

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  • Nakaso Ringyo

    Located in the eastern part of Niigata Prefecture, Japan, we are engaged in forest maintenance, forest management and timber sales, as well as the production of Japanese cedar and broadleaf tree and the sale of firewood, based in the beautiful town of Aga in Niigata Prefecture, which is blessed with many mountains, abundant forest resources, and the flow of the Agano and Tokonami rivers.

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Technology Solutions

We aim to solve social issues and develop cutting-edge technologies and systems in order to achieve a sustainable planet and enrich the lives of all people living on it. Specifically, we provide remote solutions using wearable devices that reduce unnecessary travel and minimize GHG* emissions, as well as efficient economic activities that help to alleviate the labor shortage caused by population decline and an aging society. Furthermore, we provide safety camera systems that use AI to improve workplace safety in order to reduce the number of workplace accidents, which still occur. In addition, we also provide.

※Greenhouse gas

the development of solar power generation equipment (flexible solar panels) that enable more efficient and flexible usage than before.

  • Xacti Corporation

    Xacti contributes to the progress of society by providing "digital video solutions," which are essential in this era of 5G communication and digital transformation (DX). Building upon its integrated manufacturing philosophy and the latest digital video technology, Xacti specializes in real-time transmission of video footage from its proprietary wearable cameras. Additionally, Xacti is responsible for camera development in the NEDO drone project and, moving forward, will continue to provide essential solutions for the 5G/6G era.
    (NEDO:New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)

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  • SOLABLE Trading Inc.

    SOLABLE Trading Inc. is a trading company specializing in products and services that help solve various social and global problems across borders, such as DX products for work style reforms, innovative environmental energy devices, etc. To provide highly specialized products with accurate technical support, We will cooperate with SOLABLE Group companies and partners at home and abroad.

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  • PXP Corporation

    PXP, a Japanese green tech startup, continues to promote the development of technologies that contribute to a world where clean energy is accessible to everyone, anytime, and anywhere. PXP leads the way towards a smart energy society with its cutting-edge technologies centered around next-generation solar panels that are not only high-performance but also lightweight, flexible, and unbreakable.

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  • DX Information Systems Co., Ltd.

    There are significant challenges within companies regarding the implementation of digital transformation (DX) for internal information systems. These challenges include a shortage of skilled personnel, outdated infrastructure, and constraints on IT budget increases. In order to address these issues, DX Information Systems assists with the

    1. Consolidation and replacement of information systems
    2. Assessment of current information systems and proposals for their improvement
    3. Outsourcing of information systems

    DX Information Systems aims to provide IT outsourcing services that can swiftly address a wide range of internal system needs, from construction to operational management, based on the above three functions. DX Information Systems' goal is to assist in the growth of businesses by offering a one-stop solution that ensures prompt and efficient resolution of the challenges a company faces.

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Privacy policy

SOLABLE Trading Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") will promote the protection of personal information by establishing the following personal information protection policy, building a personal information protection system, and ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and take thorough measures.

Management of personal information

In order to keep customers' personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, damage, tampering, leakage, etc. of personal information, we will take necessary measures such as maintaining the security system, establishing a management system, and thoroughly educating employees, and implement safety measures to strictly manage personal information.

Purpose of use of personal information

The personal information entrusted to us by customers will be used to send e-mails and materials as contact from our company, business information, and answers to questions.

Prohibition of disclosure or provision of personal information to third parties

We will properly manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

  • When the customer's consent is obtained
  • When disclosing to a contractor so that we recedive the services requested by the customer
  • When disclosure is required by law

Personal information security measures

We take thorough security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.

Inquiries about the person

If a customer wishes to inquire about, correct, or delete their own personal information, we will respond after confirming their identity.

Compliance with laws, regulations, and standards and review

We comply with Japanese laws and other standards applicable to the personal information we hold, and will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.